Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nuts about the Nats

You would think with a nickname like the Nats, the Nationals would stay as far away as any other euphemism for the male anatomy as possible. But no, not our team, not only did we create a slogan called, “Nuts for the Nats,” we put it to song!

Not only is this song just lame, it’s also a blatant rip off of the division rival New York Mets’tune, “Meet the Mets.” According to the Nationals website, the lyrics were written by former Washington Senators public address announcer, Charlie Brotman, and the music was composed by Kalehoff productions.

"The lyrics for the song are meant to capture the fans' excitement, the rush of emotion and the fun and good times they are experiencing," said Charlie Brotman, the writer of the song.

Excitement? Rush of emotion? Sorry Charlie, but I think it falls a bit short. Baseball fans love their hokie tunes more then most sports fans. This is demonstrated with stadiums nation wide playing “take me out to the ball game,” “YMCA,” “Sweet Caroline,” and yes, “Who let the Dogs Out.” But this is just bad, no one can fall in love with this tune for its merits or tradition. This is just another example of the Nationals trying to pump false tradition into a new franchise, as opposed to building it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nuts on nats? really? i mean...really?